Hi all! So for my first blog I guess I should introduce myself...I'm Katie, I have Gastroparesis, gluten sensitivity and this is my blog of living with Gastroparesis and Gluten Sensitivity. For my Gastroparesis it started right after having my gallbladder removed 2 1/2 years ago I instantly started getting sick. For those of you who don't know what Gastroparesis is it basically means a persons stomach is paralyzed and doesn't empty food. Currently there is no cure for Gastroparesis, there are medicines that can help move the stomach but for a lot of people they don't work. I am lucky Erythromycin and Bethanechol both work for me for a period of time and I take Prilosec for reflux caused by this disease. One of the ways to control Gastroparesis is by eating a low fat low fiber diet avoiding spicy foods, and raw fruits and veggies and I am also gluten sensitive so I avoid all gluten. as you and can imagine this is pretty hard sometimes so I'm making this blog to help others out there who have both gluten sensitivity or Celiac and Gastroparesis. A little more about me...I love sports like basketball and volleyball and archery. I love animals and am striving to be an Equine vet. I love crafts and making cakes and cupcakes, and I also quilt so you might see some of that on here as well as recipes and snack ideas. Well that about wraps it up for my first blog!